
2023年10月3日—It'sapolitewayofdrawingattentiontotheadditionalfilesyou'vesent.Thephraseisoftenplacedbeforeorafterthemainbodyofthe ...,2023年2月14日—Option1:Attachthefilewithnoexplanation.Ifthesolepurposeofyouremailissendinganattachment,cutthephraseentirely.Example:.,2023年12月20日—Anemailattachmentisafileaccompanyinganoutgoingemailthatprovidesadditionalcontentnotcoveredinyouremailbody.Theextra ...

15 Professional Ways to say 'Please Find Attached' Via Email

2023年10月3日 — It's a polite way of drawing attention to the additional files you've sent. The phrase is often placed before or after the main body of the ...

20 Less Annoying Synonyms and Alternatives to "Please ...

2023年2月14日 — Option 1: Attach the file with no explanation. If the sole purpose of your email is sending an attachment, cut the phrase entirely. Example:.

How to Craft The Perfect Email with Attachments ...

2023年12月20日 — An email attachment is a file accompanying an outgoing email that provides additional content not covered in your email body. The extra ...

How to Write a Flawless Email with Attachments (Examples ...

2023年5月15日 — What is an email attachment? An email attachment is a digital file that is sent along with an email. You can attach multiple files to your email ...

How To Write an Email With an Attachment (With Examples)

2023年8月16日 — What is an email attachment? An email attachment is a file that is attached to an email. Its purpose is usually to enhance the value or ...


2017年10月11日 — 剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipment.

【電郵收發】Attach與Enclose有何分別?「見附件」點表達?必 ...

2020年12月4日 — The attached file is the document that you requested. 附件是你要求索取的文件。 • I am attaching XXX for your consideration. 我現附上XXX以供你作 ...


請見/ 請查收附件檔。 Please refer to the attached file. 請參考附件檔。 I have sent the invoice as an attachment. 我已將 ...


... email既長又多,Jane以為她的美國老闆以後一定會更 ... Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. ... Herewith、hereby、herein這些都很拗口, ...